Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
In Year 2 we continue our phonics journey and begin working on Phase 6, developing our spellings. We begin to read more complex texts independently and gain a deeper understanding of the language used, the characters and plot and use our inference skills to develop this understanding further.
In English, we use stories and model texts to explore different styles and types of writing. We love to use ‘Talk 4 Writing’ so we can explore texts as a ‘reader’ and as a ‘writer’. We use text maps to help us internalise texts, learn new vocabulary, develop sentence structures and punctuation which we then can use in our own writing. We are enjoying learning how to edit our writing to check for mistakes and make it even better.
In maths we develop a mastery of key skills and concepts looking at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, we complete a variety of mental maths activities to develop fluency and recall of number facts. We also learn about other aspects of maths like geometry, statistics, and measurement. We apply all these skills in a variety of ways including through reasoning or a problem solving activity.
We enjoy learning about different subjects. We love our science learning and always have fun carrying out different experiments, we learn to make realistic predictions, closely observe what is happening and draw conclusions. We also like learning about places around the world in Geography and about people and events that happened in the past in our History lessons.
We always try our best and work to our full potential.