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The Lancaster School

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The Lancaster School

Inclusivity for all

Inclusivity for all


Our curriculum provision is structured to be responsive and developed to the different needs, starting points and aspirations of all of its pupils. Through accurate assessment and staff training, we are able to further learning and challenge all pupils to think beyond their perceived limits. Whilst working with other schools and multi-agencies, we tailor learning to maximise access for all pupils to develop skills, knowledge and experiences. All staff have high expectations for all pupils and celebrate the achievements pupils make. Acknowledging what they can now do today that they could not yesterday. Where possible this is communicated to parents to enable them to continue support their child’s development.


The curriculum is designed to facilitate deep learning, building on the knowledge, skills and experience ensuring all children can achieve their full potential. Developing the vital knowledge and skills in English and Maths from an early age is vital in supporting children throughout their education. Our Reading Lead is currently working with the English Hub to develop reading across the school. Our Maths Lead is work with Maths Hub developing maths mastery across the school. We are also working with St Christopher’s Special School to ensure our curriculum is as inclusive and assessable as possible.


We want to ensure our children succeed in the wider world and that the sense of success and achievement they feel at The Lancaster School carries on with them into the next stage of their education and beyond. 

In Our Federation

Swipe left and right to find contact details

  • Birchwood
    Junior School

    01522 800971
    Larchwood Crescent,
    Lincoln, LN6 0NL
    View School Website
  • Woodlands Infant
    and Nursery School

    01522 683557
    Whitethorn Grove, Birchwood,
    Lincoln, LN6 0PF
    View School Website
  • Forest Skies

    01522 800971
    Larchwood Crescent,
    Lincoln, LN6 0NL
    View Federation Website


The Lancaster School

01522 685078
The Lancaster School,
82 Jasmin Road, Lincoln, LN6 0QQ