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The Lancaster School

Take Off and Fly!

The Lancaster School

Sensory and Physical Needs

Below are a range of different ideas that can help support pupils with sensory and physical difficulties.


  • Offer routines and structure
  • Create a quiet space for them to learn with no distractions.
  • Give them something to fiddle with whilst you are talking to them or you want them to focus. It can also be helpful to let them move around whilst they listen.
  • Ask them to do one task at a time
  • Provide checklists or visual timetables to support organisation.
  • Use timers to help with time management and build in frequent movement breaks.
  • Play lots of games with your child to encourage social skills, such as taking turns and winning and losing.
  • Provide physical activities to get your child moving
  • Help your children develop their fine and gross motor skills and core stability

In Our Federation

Swipe left and right to find contact details

  • Birchwood
    Junior School

    01522 800971
    Larchwood Crescent,
    Lincoln, LN6 0NL
    View School Website
  • Woodlands Infant
    and Nursery School

    01522 683557
    Whitethorn Grove, Birchwood,
    Lincoln, LN6 0PF
    View School Website


The Lancaster School

01522 685078
The Lancaster School,
82 Jasmin Road, Lincoln, LN6 0QQ