COVID 19 Information
At The Lancaster School our primary aim is the safety and well-being of our pupils and staff. We recognise that a school closure will impact all of us differently and that our children and families will face a variety of situations and challenges. With this in mind we are taking all steps possible to keep school open but have a robust contingency plan should school need to close.
Children will have access to remote learning in the following circumstances:
- Their year group bubble has been told to self-isolated (due to exposure to Covid).
- The local area or UK has a more general lockdown and schools are closed to all but essential workers and vulnerable children (most children at home).
- They are self-isolating but their bubble/school remains open.
Our aim is to keep our core purpose of teaching and learning continuing as effectively as possible. During a school closure each pupil will be provided with learning to do at home with high expectations of all pupils to complete the work set. Activities and tasks will be shared via Tapestry and Microsoft Teams.
There is a PDF guide for parents and a copy of our Remote Learning Policy. If you have any queries please use the the school office on 01522 685078 or via email at:
Catch Up Premium
The government has provided a one-off grant to support pupils in state education in recognition that all young people have lost time in education as a result of the pandemic, regardless of their income or background.
The spending of this money will be down to schools to allocate as they see best. To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation has published a support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all students.
The document below outlines our plan for the Covid Catch Up Premium.