Remote Learning
School Closure Contingency Plan
At The Lancaster School our primary aim is the safety and well- being of our pupils and staff. We recognise that a school closure will impact all of us differently and that our children and families will face a variety of situations and challenges. With this in mind we are taking all steps possible to keep school open but have a robust contingency plan should school need to close.
We would ask all our parents and carers to take the time to families themselves with the information below so that our whole community can support our pupils and ensure minimal disruption to their learning should we be forced to close for any reason.
Teaching And Learning
Our aim is to keep our core purpose of teaching and learning continuing as effectively as possible. During a school closure each pupil will be provided with learning to do at home with high expectations of all pupils to complete the work set. Activities and tasks will be shared via Tapestry, Microsoft Teams and Parentmail. We will ensure these forms are regularly updated. In addition to this we recognise the Health and well- being are fundamental and that the level of work and learning undertaken at home will be a reflection of personal circumstances and situations.
We are aware of the importance of staying fit and mentally well during this time. As such we know a routine and consistency are key so have mapped out a general timetable to help you with this.