The Lancaster School is part of a close-knit community and moral values remain at our core. We are committed to ensuring that, despite the wide spread social and economic challenges for a setting in the top 10% of deprived areas in the country, our children reach their full potential and ‘be the best that they can be.’
Our key intent is Nurturing Aspirations within our school and preparing our children as world citizens of the 21st Century.
Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs, cohorts and diversity within our school community. Our curriculum empowers and enables our children to be aspirational, creative, independent and resilient learners, thus developing knowledge and skills across the curriculum.
We recognise that all children deserve the same chances in life, particularly those who are disadvantaged. We value the importance of providing our children with opportunities for enriching learning experiences to develop both cultural and intellectual capital for all our learners. We place particular emphasis on language and vocabulary acquisition from the moment our children join us in the early years. We want our children to develop a love for reading and have therefore placed great emphasis on developing children’s early reading skills which is also threaded throughout the curriculum. We want children to be curious and excited by the awe and wonder of the world and we have designed our curriculum to infuse that excitement.
We support all learners to realise their full potential, achieve excellence and success by experiencing a curriculum which ignites and builds a deep and sustained love of learning. We adapt and develop our curriculum to ensure all children, including those who may have additional needs are equally successful and reach their full potential. We hope that all children will have had the opportunity to discover and follow individual passions which they will continue to build on in their future.
Our children will be confident individuals who are actively and enthusiastically engaged in their own community and wider society. We hope that through our curriculum they will recognise their responsibility to make a positive difference to others and the world in which we live. Staff work attentively to create an environment where our children’s welfare is at the heart of all provision and learning and where children have a voice, feel valued and understand what it means to feel safe.
Our curriculum is ever adapting and developing, responding to the challenges our children face. Through nurturing our children’s aspirations, we hope to build resilient learners who are prepared for the next stage in their education and beyond.