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The Lancaster School

Take Off and Fly!

The Lancaster School

Mental, physical and emotional wellbeing

Mental, physical and emotional well-being


Emotional health and wellbeing is at the centre of everything we do at The Lancaster School. In recognising the development of the whole child, the pastoral support given to children so they can access the curriculum is strong. Nurture sits at heart of our school, this allows vulnerable children to access their learning and curriculum entitlement. The school has various systems that support the emotional and mental well-being of children and provides signposting to their parents. We are working with the Mental Health Support Team for schools, they have delivered a range of workshops to the pupils and are supporting staff training.


Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding.  The curriculum aims for pupils to be spiritually open, morally brave, socially confident and culturally welcoming. We foster in our pupils the ability to empathise with the feelings and actions of others, beginning to see the points of views and beliefs of others. Particularly in RE and RSHE, they show a keen interest in fairness and equality. They develop the ability to question and challenge. The school embraces every opportunity to nurture moral strength and encourage children to not only recognise what the right thing is but also practise this.  We plan in a wealth of opportunities for children to learn about keeping safe and promote British Values ensuring children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as UK citizens.

In Our Federation

Swipe left and right to find contact details

  • Birchwood
    Junior School

    01522 800971
    Larchwood Crescent,
    Lincoln, LN6 0NL
    View School Website
  • Woodlands Infant
    and Nursery School

    01522 683557
    Whitethorn Grove, Birchwood,
    Lincoln, LN6 0PF
    View School Website
  • Forest Skies

    01522 800971
    Larchwood Crescent,
    Lincoln, LN6 0NL
    View Federation Website


The Lancaster School

01522 685078
The Lancaster School,
82 Jasmin Road, Lincoln, LN6 0QQ